Received a letter requesting my view on the proposed South Bristol Ring Road today - my reply is below:
For the attention of Mike Landen, Chair of the Alliance Against the South Bristol Ring Road:
Many thanks for your letter requesting my views on the proposed ring road which I received this morning.
For very much the same reasons as you outline in your letter I am totally opposed to the ring road and if elected would do all that I can to advance the case against the proposal. The proposed road is indeed a major threat to communities, to the environment and to the climate (and thus future generations). Please visit my blog site for further details of my views on issues
I'm proud that my party is united and consistent on this issue too. As is clear from the Bristol Green Party website ( local Greens have campaigned hard against the ring road for some time now and have asked very pertinent questions of the council, to which we have had no satisfactory reply. All Green candidates throughout Bristol will feature opposition to the proposed road on their election literature in one way or another.
Please find attached a copy of my election leaflet for your information. The statements on protection of open, green spaces from inappropriate development and on cutting carbon emissions in the Bristol area by at least 3% per year both relate to the ring road very directly.
Many thanks for the work you and the organisation you represent are doing on this issue.
Glenn Vowles
Green Party Candidate for Knowle Ward