Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Protect the BBC from cuts

The BBC is a great organisation that we all learn so much from, as well as being informed and entertained. I'm a massive fan of the science, history and art documentaries in particular and I find the BBC website hugely valuable. I dont want to see it diminished as it will damage the social learning required to build a more stable, secure and sustainable society. As a result and having received a large number of the emails copied below, I have today signed the pledge to protect the BBC from massive cuts, including closing two radio stations and halving the size of its web site. 'Surrendering to pressure from commercial rivals, who are lobbying politicians hard to impose even deeper cuts' is in any case entirely the wrong motive to have for making changes.

Dear Candidate

I am writing to urge you to pledge to protect the BBC and its services, should you be elected as a member of parliament this year.

I am very concerned about the amount of criticism the BBC is currently being subject to, particularly from commercial rivals, who would like to see its operations shrink. Since the announcement of proposed cuts to BBC services, over 40,000 people have signed the petition or written to the BBC Trust, calling for the services to be saved.

The text of the pledge reads:

If elected as a member of parliament, I pledge to:

* Oppose the proposed closure of BBC 6Music, BBC Asian Network, the cuts to the BBC website, including the proposed redundancies and the disposal of the BBC’s magazine titles.

* Work to ensure that the future of public sector broadcasting, is properly resourced, maintaining and strengthening investment in quality programmes.

As a potential constituent, I call on you to sign up to this pledge and support the BBC.