Create more green jobs in Bristol. The Green New Deal creates jobs, and brings fuel and food security. Bristol, with its high tech expertise, can deliver.
Promote the Local Economy. Encourage local trading networks, making the city more self-reliant. Global mass-retailers are bad news for the local economy.
Support public transport, cycling and walking Public transport needs to be cheap, regular, direct and easy to use. Priorities: a Temple Meads hub, smart cards, real time information, plus a safe network of pedestrian and cycle routes, and a general 20mph speed limit.
Protect our Green spaces. Selling them would be unsustainable, regressive, unprofitable ( and generally stupid! )
Provide Homes: We can increase housing stock by redeveloping our 7000 unused buildings and houses in Bristol, and using brown field sites. But we need mechanisms to give local people priority.
A good local state school for every child. Young people should expect a high standard of education close to home and right for their talents. Academies and PFI rarely provide that.
Health. All our policies encourage good physical and mental health. But when things go wrong, we want accessible health centres providing a range of services. We want to work with a stronger (not a privatised) NHS, to support less able people and their carers in the community. We'll oppose any non-essential mass-medication (eg fluoridation of water).
Promote reuse and recycling of resources: Bristol needs alternatives to the 'throwaway' economy, promoting repair and reuse together with locally based plans for reducing waste, litter, and flytipping.
Save energy. We support insulation and energy saving as the best ways to reduce our CO2 output. Nuclear is not an option. Solar, tidal and wind are.
We need a progressive voice in Bristol politics. Just one more Green councillor will give us the influence of a party group on the council. Green councillors will work hard for what matters: a sustainable economy, decent public services and a good quality of life for all. And if you don't like us, our 'recall' system lets you get rid of us!