This is yet more excellent work by the New Economics Foundation who are in many respects leading the way with their work on economics for a sustainable, green society.
Clone Town Britain 2010: High street diversity still on endangered list the new economics foundation41 per cent of UK towns are clone towns and a further 23 per cent are on the verge of becoming clone towns, according to the widest ever Clone Town survey results released... by leading independent think-tank nef (new economics foundation). Only 36 per cent of the high streets surveyed retain their distinctive character with more than two thirds of their shops being independents.The nef report, Re-imagining the High Street: Escape from Clone Town Britain, also brands the multiple chain outlets as “fair weather friends” who have either abandoned the high streets entirely or given up so-called secondary locations. The report says that overall trend towards “Clone Town Britain”, continues, despite widespread publicity about the loss of local identity following the 2005 Clone Town report...