The story that 'Three of Bristol City Council's most senior officers have held on to their own or new positions in a major shake-up.' (yes the local paper did say major shake-up!) prompted Chris to say:
'The whole history of this council over the last 40 yrs has been one of incompetence and wastefulness. To reappoint present post-holders who have had nil impact on the general shambles that represents local govnt. in this area is astounding. You only have to look at cities like Leeds and Manchester that have had integrated transport systems in place for years to realise just how porly we are served. They seem more concerned in apologising for our history (not that one is needed) rather than planning for our future. Lets have a publicly elected Chief executive whose ideas and plans would be up for public scrutiny first.'
My own view is that these people are overpaid underachievers who are not looked upon with confidence by Bristol's public (correct me if I'm wrong by commenting on this post). Council leader Helen Holland talks of 'further excellent appointments' which shows how out of touch she is - with regard to these three key appointments the so-called 'major shake-up' has resulted in the same people being employed, so its not a shake-up at all!! A shake-up is definitely needed but this ain't it!!