Friday, February 19, 2010

No to cuts in services

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Just signed this 38 Degrees petition against premature cuts in public spending: Here's some background from their website:

In the Financial Times, over 50 senior economists have written a letter demanding that Alistair Darling, Chancellor of the Exchequer and George Osborne, Shadow Chancellor, do not make premature cuts to public spending. The world-class economists believe that the deficit should be financed until the economy is more stable and that if spending cuts are made at this point, the UK could spiral into a disastrous 'double-dip' recession.

The financial crisis has already terrible consequences for people all over the UK. Jobs have been lost, businesses closed and homes respossessed. Unemployment has risen to around 2.5 million and, as the letter-writers point out, the UK economy 'is not yet on a secure recovery path'.

It's vital that our leaders don't play politics with our recovery in an election year. 'Consolidation', or cuts in our public services, are too dangerous to be used as an election bargaining chip. Darling and Osborne should both publicly commit themselves to not making damanging cuts before its clear that the economy really has turned the corner towards recovery. Sign the petition to the Chancellor and Shadow Chancellor.

Also see:

Support Green pioneers and entrepreneurs

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Received from a friend: Please sign the petition and pass this on...The Department of Energy and Climate Change intends to reward generators of renewable energy - Solar, Wind, Hydro etc - with a guaranteed price for the electricity they produce: the Feed In Tariff. This will come into effect in April 2010.

However the regulations will be such that that owners of self-built renewable energy systems will be excluded from these rewards even though these are the very people who pioneered home produced electricity. To assure a fair reward for these green pioneers, please sign the petition to 10 Downing St.
This 20-foot waterwheel generates 5.5kw - enough electricity to power two
houses 24 hours a day. Under the proposed regulations it will be ineligible for the Feed In Tariff.
Thank you.
Brian Faux