Saturday, January 30, 2010

Boost for Bristol renewable energy

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Great work on renewable energy from Bristol Lib Dem Councillor Neil Harrison (see extract from his blog): Merton Rule victory - two years late!
From 1st April 2010, large new developments in the city will have to provide 10% of their energy use from onsite renewable sources. This will primarily mean solar panels, but any renewable source will do. This type of stipulation is called a Merton Rule after the part of London where it was first used. It'll be a useful step in meeting our
new 40% carbon reduction target.

This is the partial culmination of a two year campaign for me. I first proposed this idea in Autumn 2007 (shortly after getting elected) and it was accepted in principle by Council in June 2008. Since then, I have been pushing for its inclusion in the Bristol Development Framework (BDF) - the document that will be used to control new building in the city and it is prominently featured in the current version....

The right to be out, safe and secure at night...

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Received an invite to Reclaim the Night, organised by Bristol Feminst Network from a Facebook friend today. Thought I'd pass on details of this event and contribute to publicising it a bit. The text below (and image top left) is copied from a Bristol Feminist Network Facebook group, which I joined recently:

Bristol Reclaim the Night 2010 will take place on Friday 26 February. Plans are being made for a vigil to remember those affected by sexual violence, a march, a club night to raise funds for a local service and to celebrate our achievements.

RTN is about standing together and reclaiming our right to be out in our city at night free from the fear of violence and harassment. We hope that you will lend your support to this evening of events which is a part of an international movement.

Get involved!
RTN is a community effort and couldn't happen without the generosity of the people who support it. We receive help from groups and individuals from all over the city, from all back grounds, united by a common desire to make our city a safer place for everyone.

In order to get this show on the road we are going to need volunteers. There are opportunities to get involved on all sorts of levels with all sorts of tasks. We particularly need to hear from people who could help with:

Banner painting
Dancing and performance art
Bands and DJs
Sound equipment
Club night management

If you have ideas or suggestions to bring to RTN please do let us know. If you are a local group or charity this could be a great opportunity to raise your profile and add strength to the campaign so please get in touch.

Please email BFN admin on to get involved.

Thank you:)