Friday, February 16, 2007

Save Jubilee Pool: campaign developments

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I recently received a letter about the decision to close Jubilee Swimming Pool taken by the Lib-Dem cabinet in Bristol (back in Sept/Oct 06). As I've been campaigning on this since they took the decision I thought you might be interested in my e-mailed reply (see below), as an update on the issue.
For the attention of Chris Orlik and Ben Mitchell:

I see you are campaigning in Knowle on saving Jubilee Pool (letter received from Ben Mitchell, Labour Spokesperson for Knowle and Chris Orlik, Labour Spokesperson for Totterdown Feb 10th 07). I have been campaigning on the pool issue for several months now and back in Oct 06 forced Gary Hopkins into publicly replying to two or three letters of mine published in the Bristol Evening Post. Just after my letters were published in the paper I placed copies of them on my blog (reproduced below for your information - blog date 5 Nov 06). My letters may be amongst those you refer to in your letter. I've now personally collected around 600 signatures on a petition raised online by Colin Smith on 1 Oct 06.

Gary Hopkins and his Lib-Dem colleagues need to be held to account for the poor decision they took to close Jubilee, not least in the forthcoming local elections. I would welcome some joint work on this particular issue if you feel able to do this. Perhaps a public meeting could be held on the matter, inviting Gary Hopkins and fellow Knowle councillor Chris Davies (whose seat is up for election this time). I've received phone calls of support/help from people of various political persuasions and feel that perhaps by everyone working together, maximum pressure can be applied to get the pool closure decision reversed.

A few months after starting my campaigning on Jubilee I was selected as the Green Party Candidate for the Knowle Ward. I hope that being in different political parties will not prevent us from working together on this issue where we seem to have common cause. I look forward to hearing from you.

Glenn Vowles
Green Candidate for Knowle