I will promote the creation of new native woods and trees by:
1. Committing to working for the expansion of native woodland cover throughout the duration of the next Parliament.
2. Contacting my party leader and asking them to adopt the Woodland Trust’s manifesto as a basis for expanding, enhancing and protecting the natural environment.
3. Ensuring that native woods and trees are high on the agenda at the election by publicising my support for the Woodland Trust’s manifesto.
The Woodland Trust's website says,
The UK is one of the least wooded countries in Europe, with only 11.8 per cent woodland cover compared to the European average of 44 per cent. Sadly, however, levels of woodland creation with broadleaved trees in England have halved in the last six years and much of our woodland heritage remains vulnerable to development pressures and degradation.
Creating new native woods and planting trees is not a luxury but a vital action which will improve people’s quality of life.
Creating new native woods and planting trees is not a luxury but a vital action which will improve people’s quality of life.