People who voted Lib Dem last time, locally and nationally, should switch to the Greens...
Green Party New video of Lucas on Lib Dems: “on a whole range of issues they’ve sold out”
...the Green Party reiterated its alternative policy – investment in job-creation funded partly through higher taxes on higher incomes, partly through scrapping projects like Trident, through cracking down on tax evasion and tax avoidance, and though a “Robin Hood Tax” on financial transactions.
The Greens say they “believe this is a policy package most Lib Dem voters would be likely to prefer to a programme of savage spending cuts.”
And Green Party leader Caroline Lucas MP accused the Lib Dem leadership of “selling out on a whole range of issues” – not least the “horrendous, brutal, savage cuts” which she said evidence showed “will hurt the poor ten times harder than the richest.”