At the Green Party's launch of its local election campaign there were things said that particularly struck me as important and I thought them worth reproducing here:
Caroline Lucas, Green MEP, said:
"The Greens are your One Chance for truth and action on climate change. The Greens are your One Chance for decent schools and housing. The Greens are your One Chance for councillors that make your voice heard.
On climate change, for example, we will oppose more devastating airport expansion and more new road building programmes - and promote affordable, efficient public transport instead.
On education, the Greens will protect schools from cuts, closure and creeping privatisation, and will oppose wasteful, financially damaging PFI schemes.
On housing, we'll make sure that affordable housing is always part of new housing projects, and we'll help ensure that council and housing association tenants get the best and micro-renewable energy and installations.
And we're committed to listening to local people, and involving people in the decisions that affect them. That's why our candidates and councillors are working tirelessly across the country - and we hope to see record gains in this election as a result!"
Derek Wall , one of the Green Party's two Principal Speakers said:
"Blair and Brown have dashed the hopes of a nation for real action on social justice and an end to erosion of our education and health services.
Instead, Britain has been governed by Tory Party Lite for the last decade.
That is why Green Party cllrs around the country are challenging the Blairite polices of council house sell offs, of piece-meal privatisation of education, and failure on climate change.
The time has come - we cannot afford another 10 years of broken promises and inaction.
Greens offer a real way forward, another way of doing things. Where people are put before profit, where long term sustainability matters more than tomorrow's headlines.
Here in Millbank spin governed politics. People were sold a lie, that Labour really meant to change things. They were never serious about real change. And that is why they have failed.
Green politicians are different:
We are not funded by big business
We are not a party driven by spin rather than substance
We are a radical, principled but pragmatic force
With rising emissions, sleazy politicians and public trust at an all time low, principled Green politicians are needed now more than ever.
We can answer the call for change.
Vote Green on May 3rd."