I'm a supporter of the I Count campaign of the Stop Climate Chaos coalition that is calling on the government to:
*Take a lead on the global stage, working for an international agreement to cut climate pollution.
World-wide this must be in decline by 2015.
*Cut the UK's emissions by at least 3% year on year.
*Help the poorest countries get access to clean energy, help them cut out poverty and deal with the climate disasters they are already facing.
Periodically I take part in an activity they suggest. Today I sent the 'Valentine card' I Count put together to my MP (see below). Cheesy it may be - but our MPs cant be given enough reminders to strengthen the Climate Change Bill now going through Parliament.
A message from the heart
Hello ,
The time has come to make a commitment and call for emissions cuts of at least 80% now - 60% will be too little, too late. Don't make me wait, be my hero and save our planet from climate chaos.
Call me a flirt but I'd also like you to vote for annual milestones to keep us on track, and ensure aviation and shipping emissions are included in the Climate Change Bill targets too.
Please show your commitment to stopping climate chaos by signing EDM 736 (opens in a new window) now.
Thank you