Todays Bristol Evening Post reported on the local election in Knowle Ward where I am the Green candidate. Its a bit of a shame that the Post has not included brief statements from each of the candidates. Some of the election coverage has been bland and lifeless.
However, I was pleased to see that issues I have been very heavily involved in raising and promoting were featured in the report as matters of local note, namely the decision to close Jubilee Swimming Pool (which I have been vigorously opposing) and a local 'grot spot' on Wells Rd suffering vandalism, littering and grafitti (which I obtained local media coverage for - still not cleaned up despite the current owners promise in the press!).
As it happens the petition opposing the closure Jubilee and Bishopworth Pools, raised online by Colin Smith, is due to be handed in by 30 April and I am today delivering 630 signatures that I have organised the collection of to Bristol City Council.
Featured opposite the report on Knowle is one on the Hengrove Ward. Included there is the issue of New Oak School, saved from becoming part of the Oasis Trust Academy by a vigorous campaign by local people, which I was very actively involved in supporting by applying additional Green Party political pressure through the media.