Monday, October 06, 2008

When to dig and when not to dig

On what basis does the Bristol Evening Post say today, in a full page report 'People in Brislington have welcomed the idea of a ring road..'? The report only quotes a few people, so how many are we talking about? A majority? Has there been a survey/poll? Could I not say with equal validity that people in Brislington have spoken out against the ring road, with the increased environmental footprint and split communities it will bring?? This is a major local issue that has stirred up very strong feelings amongst local people and it deserves to be reported on factually and to a good standard.

As for the ring road issue itself - we are in an unsustainability hole and need to stop digging! How many city's are there in the UK with complete ring roads that have massive congestion and pollution problems? All of them!

Where have people been if they still think more roads will solve congestion and pollution...? Since the best scientific evidence says our current transport habits are unsustainable any council or govt that continues the habits of the past are irresponsibly taking us further into a hole not out of it!

I agree with Mike Landen, chairman of the Alliance against the South Bristol Ring Road, when he said:

"A dual carriageway will impede people's access to amenities and open spaces and will have a disproportionate impact on the young, the elderly and those without access to private motor vehicles."

"It will create a physical barrier between where children live and where they go to school."

We need a different pattern of development to meet economic and social needs, community-owned public transport, better bus and train information, lower fares, a strategic transport authority, prepaid 'smart' multimodal ticketting, and a serious transport hub at Temple Meads - this is the sort of action that will tackle congestion not more roads.