I have recently been officially notified by the Returning Officer that I am the Green Party Candidate for Knowle (all paperwork completed and nomination valid). My name, along with the Green Party and its 'earth with petals' logo will thus appear on the Knowle Ward ballot paper.
Below are the areas where I and the Greens have been and will continue to be very active (there are also many other areas of activity and concern - as expressed on this blog).
Say yes to a better quality of life and to sustainability
1.Save Jubilee Swimming Pool, councillors should stick with their election pledge
2.Protect and enhance local services and facilities, give local communities the biggest say on them
3.Create a Transport Authority for Bristol, sort out Bristol’s buses
4.Safer residential roads, with a 20mph limit, protect our kids
5.Appoint a Local Food Officer, widen fresh, local, healthy food availability
6.People before profit - no to the privatization of Home Care
7.Protect open, green spaces, no to inappropriate developments
8.Quality learning for all children, no to education factories
9.Invest much more cutting people’s fuel bills and in local public transport, cut Bristol’s carbon emissions by at least 3% each year
10.Bring abandoned land and buildings quickly into good use, stop ‘grot spots’ growing
Say yes to a local campaigner