Whilst the Greens are a smaller party than Labour, the Lib Dems or the Conservatives my experience is that there has always been a pretty concentrated wealth of talent and experience present in it. This is certainly reflected in the Green list of candidates for the South West European elections 2009. There are people: working as councillors; who are teachers, lecturers, GPs and in business; who have studied, researched and written extensively in fields such as Economics, European Studies, and Health; with considerable leadership experience and skills (two of the candidates being former national party Principal Speakers for instance). I could easily go on to describe more. Full details from here.
As number one on the list Councillor Ricky Knight has a good chance of being elected next year - at the last European elections the highest % of green votes outside London and the South East (where Green MEPs Jean Lambert and CarolineLucas were re-elected) was obtained in the South West region. Greens do invaluable work in the European Parliament, have a good history of success in Euro elections across countries and have been able to work very well together as a group (Greens/European Free Alliance).