Passing on this from Nick Thomas...
I'm just spreading word of a free event that may be of interest. It's the final event of the European Year for Combating Poverty & Social Exclusion - a large-scale exercise in direct democracy that we hope will attract a wide range of contributors with interest, ideas or experience of the issues involved. It's called A World in Waiting, evoking the better world that we hold in our hearts and that we could and should do more to make a reality. The agenda is completely open, to be set on the day - and the Dept for Work & Pensions is expecting us to generate 5 “policy asks” from the day’s deliberations, so it should have practical outcomes!
It takes place this Thursday (10th Feb) at the Colston Hall - and is open to everyone. It runs from 10am-5pm, but you're welcome to drop in at any time for as long as you like. Full details are at http://www.aworldinwaiting.eu. Do get in touch if you'd like to know more - and do please spread the word. We hope to fill the Colston Hall!
Many thanks,
Nick Thomas
The Pierian Centre
Tel: 0117 924 4512