Monday, May 25, 2009

Spot the real clown

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No need to comment much on the video clip below featuring Anthony Steen MP (top left in the picture!) - it speaks for itself. No need to compare Steen's words with the MPs expenses guidebook which states that,

'Claims must only be made for expenditure that was necessary for a member to incur to ensure that he or she could properly perform his or her parliamentary duties'.

Suffice to say that he will be one of hundreds of MPs who will be swept away at the next election. The MPs expenses scandal could do our democracy some good as a result, as long as we get some radical democratic changes too!

Green leader blasts 'rotten' parliamentary system

This brief audio clip of Green Party Leader Caroline Lucas calling for the blasting 'open of this 'rotten' parliamentary system' and outlining a whole range of reforms, on Radio 4's Any Questions recently, is very powerful stuff - and was very well received with loud and long applause by the audience