Friday, February 20, 2009

Cowculating the impacts of council-run herd

Received this online invitation to comment on todays Post story that 'Bristol City Council wants to run its own herd of cows to provide beef for the city's schools and posh restaurants....'

'Don't cows produce lots of pesky methane? You know, that 'greenhouse gas', 20 times more potent than CO2, responsible for all that anthropomorphic (bovomorphic?) global warming? Hardly very responsible, is it guys? What do you think, Glenn Vowles? '(Mark, Scrabble Champion...)

Still working out the figures on my cowculator Mark! Moooo-re on this later perhaps.


  1. The city would be better run if control of the council were given to a herd of cows and all the councillors and officers were put out to grass instead.

  2. But woodsy, wouldn't that produce even more methane?

  3. Don't know about the methane, Chris, but we'd probably have less bullshit from the Counts Louse. ;-)

  4. Less methane from grazing councillors as they aren't ruminants - though some might say that there are a few cows amongst them!

  5. What I meant was that because so many of the councillors and officers are 'old farts', taking them out of the Council House into the outdoors would release them to the atmosphere.

  6. wouldn't that cause problems what with all the dog walking and cycling and such that goes on? I would have thought it could run into difficulties very quickly. I remember when there used to be sheep grazing there and they were frequently worried by dogs. Seems like a classic half baked idea from BCC. Keeping livestock in such locations is very dodgy in my experience, I've worked with horses that were kept in fields close to a city. Vandalism in the form of burning animals with cigarettes was a frequent occurrence.


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