Friday, November 07, 2008

Useful green links...

Some very useful links here: (added to my 'find out more about' list). I've just been looking over the green jobs section and there's also a green directory, free stuff trading section, and interactive section with blogs, news...


    Looks a bit upmarket but ecojam says that the overall message was that Ecojam would be a very useful resource for communities to up-to-date each other of their activities and communicate to the public.
    Really? so where are all the stimulating blogs by active members of the community like greengage, glenn vowles, chris hutt, bristol blogger etc?

  2. A pretty fair point I'd say, at least at this stage. I've asked them to include links to my blog which they have happily agreed to (though its not been added as yet). I'd certainly urge other local bloggers to make the same request. People should have access to all perspectives.


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