Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sustainable suggestions

‘Creative’ and ‘exciting’ ideas sought for derelict depot land Bristol Temple Meads station. Er...its right next to Temple Meads so doesn't that strongly suggest a sustainable transport development of some kind and/or something that large numbers of people would need to get an arena? Also next to a river with big water movements, which suggests a renewable energy facility...


  1. Maybe the area should be coverted to a small woodland? Soak up some of that traffic pollution!

  2. They're actually looking for a temporary use before the new creative/digital industries hub is launched on the same site in a couple of years. The site has been remediated, but not to the point where you could grow food on it. Although the temporary use is supposed 'to bring life and activity to this derelict site' it'll have to do so while a bridge is being built across to Cattle Market Road, and the only other site access is from the far (west) side of Bath Road.
    Not easy. The HCA announcement is here


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