Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Unwanted and undesirable sounds and their health impact

That we need a noise strategy for Bristol and the surrounding area is backed by scientific research reported on the Science Daily site today that aircraft noise raises blood pressure even while people are sleeping. There have been very good arguments in favour of a local noise strategy for quite some time now, as I described last April when calling for one. Traffic growth, night flying and the rapid growth in flying, and intense development pressures cutting our open, green spaces all tend to worsen noise pollution problems, so something must be done.

Interesting links to more on noise and health from this BBC report.


  1. A very timely piece.

    Living in Easton for the last 30 years, I've noticed a definite increase in traffic noise from the M32. At one time in the wee small hours traffic noise used to die out completely: it no longer does.

    The racket kicked up by the emergency services is also very intrusive too, particularly the macho numbskulls that make up today's so-called police 'service'. They seem to think it's perfectly acceptable to thunder out of Trinity nick onto completely empty roads with sirens blazing and giving passing pedestrians such as myself coronaries. Muppets.

    Rant over.

  2. BCC is working on a noise strategy at the moment. It is likely to be published in March. Bristol has also pioneered noise mapping and is one of only two local authorities in the UK to have its own noise map for road and rail noise.

    The next step is a noise action plan (for road noise). BCC has been negotiating with its neighbouring authorities about how this will be developed. DEFRA have indicated that they they will fund development of the action plan, but the funding mechanisms and amount have not yet been agreed.

    DEFRA are required to submit noise action plans to the EU commission by July 2008 for all UK major cities.

  3. Yes Steve, I noticed on the City Council website comments about working on a noise strategy and I'm aware of the noise mapping work. This is welcome of course but what we need is action!! I note that this time last yr the council said it was working on a noise strategy on its website - this problem (like many others) has been around for some time!


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